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Afghan Border Force (ABF)The government of Afghanistan moved part of the Ministry of Interior's Afghan Border Police (ABP) to the Ministry of Defense (MoD). The units moved to the MoD will become the newly established Afghan Border Force (ABF). The Ministry of Interior will still be responsible for security at the airports and official border crossings. The move will allow the MoI's police to focus on rule of law and law enforcement actvities. The new Afghan Border Force will be responsible for security for the border outside of the border crossings. In addition it's mission includes preventing insurgents, smugglers, drug traffickers, and others from crossing the border. The transfer of personnel, equipment, and responsibilities began in early December 2017 and was scheduled to continue into April 2018.
Reference: "Responsiblity of border security to shift from Interior Ministry to Defence", Resolute Support, December 4, 2017.
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