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Fight for Kandahar

News Articles About the Fight for Kandahar, Afghanistan
"Operation Omaid" or "Operation Hope"

The city of Kandahar and the surrounding area has been a long-time Taliban stronghold. Prior to 2011 Afghan and coalition troops stationed nearby at Kandahar airfield could venture anywhere within Kandahar City - however many consider the real rulers of the city to be the Taliban. The Taliban have set up a de facto "shadow government" within Kandahar Province. With the conclusion of Operation Moshtarak (Marjah) ISAF began to focus on Kandahar. The campaign was called "Operation Omaid" which in Dari means "Operation Hope". Since early spring 2010 there have been other names associated with this operation or offensive. Some are now calling it "Hamkari Baraye Kandahar" - which means "Cooperation for Kandahar". Since mid-2010 significant progress has been made in Kandahar Province - at a high cost. The security bubble has been pushed outward into the more remote districts. With the security has come the first stages of governance and development. The recent surge of troops sent to Afghanistan provided the means to establish this security - it remains to be seen if the Afghan security forces can keep the insurgents under control once the ISAF forces start to draw down in late 2012 and early 2013.


January 23, 2012. "Battlefield Update: Task Force Dreadnaught in Maiwand District, Kandahar".  The Institute for the Study of War.


February 9, 2011. "As combat mission winds down, civilians in Kandahar rush to complete projects". The Vancouver Sun.

February 9, 2011. "Taliban assassins on motorbikes strike fear in Afghanistan".  The


September 11, 2010.  "Ottawa plans to reclaim former al Qaeda training camp".  CTV News.

September 11, 2010.  "Assignment Kandahar: Canadian troops to correct setbacks with massive activities".  National Post.

September 10, 2010.  "Coalition forces target Taliban birthplace".  The Globe and Mail.

September 10, 2010.  "Touch of home in Afghan war zone".  New Zealand Herald News.

September 9, 2010.  "Kandahar More Than a Century Ago - Fictional Injuries, Real War, Realpolitik".  At War, The New York Times.

September 9, 2010.  "Advanced C-IED sensors at the NATO Kandahar Airfield".

September 8, 2010.  "A Ghost in Kandahar".  The New York Times.

September 1, 2010.  "Near Kandahar, the Prize Is an Empty Town".  New York Times.

September 1, 2010.  "Kandahar 'Poo Pond' to be decommissioned".  Stars and Stripes.

August 29, 2010.  "Will battle for Kandahar win the war?"  The Washington Post.

August 16, 2010.  "U.S. soldiers surrounded by enemies as locals throw rocks, curse troops in Afghanistan".  New York Daily News.

August 16, 2010.  "Assignment Kandahar: The governor's compound".  National Post.

August 16, 2010.  "Kandahar public works opens new road".  ReliefWeb.

August 16, 2010.  "Where's My Generator, Spy?"  At War Blog, The New York Times.

August 14, 2010. "Assignment Kandahar: Taliban spin, it is to laugh".  National Post.

August 14, 2010.  "Fed up with conflict".  The Gazette.

August 13, 2010.  "Most Americans Still Onboard with Afghan Plan".  NPR.

August 12, 2010.  "U.S. braces for Kandahar fight".  Reuters.

August 12, 2010.  "Kandahar mayor's claim to shopkeeper-occupied land dividing residents".  The Washington Post.

August 12, 2010.  "Assignment Kandahar: More from Hotel California".  National Post.

August 12, 2010.  "In Afghanistan, stillness among the chaos".  AP News.

August 11, 2010.  "Taking on the Taliban in Kandahar".  BBC Newsnight.

August 9, 2010.  "Assignment Kandahar: Hotel California, a.k.a. the Karzai Compound".  National Post.

August 9, 2010.  "Tighter Afghan checkpoints leads to increased soldier safety".  The Gazette.

August 8, 2010. "This Mullah Omar Show".  Newsweek.

August 7, 2010. "Bricks and mortars do battle in Kandahar".  The Sydney Morning Herald.

August 6, 2010.  "Kandahar will be big political test for NATO, Sedwill Says".  American Forces Press Service.

August 5, 2010.  "Assignment Kandahar: Another fine welcome".  National Post.

August 5, 2010.  "Kandahar move still possible".  Defence Management.

August 4, 2010.  "Straight Outta Kandahar".  Foreign Policy Magazine.

August 3, 2010.  "In Kandahar, U.S. tries the lessons of Baghdad".  The Washington Post.

August 3, 2010.  "Afghan Checkpoints Key in Battle for Kandahar".  CBS News.

August 3, 2010.  "Biometrics separate good from bad in war".  The Vancouver Sun.

August 1, 2010.  "American forces enter uneasy alliances with tribal strongmen in Afghanistan".

July 31, 2010.  "Amid backdrop of uncertainty, crucial battle in southern Afghanistan".  Kansas City Star.

July 30, 2010.  "High-tech vehicles finding IEDs, saving lives in Afghanistan".  The Star.

July 29, 2010.  "Local strongman is U.S. troops' most reliable friend in Kandahar province".  The Washington Post.

July 28, 2010.  "Special Forces relieve pressure in Afghan valley".  Alert Net.

July 27, 2010.  "Poor security, lack of government challenge Kandahar".  Miami Herald.

July 22, 2010.  "Afghanistan war: The civics in a Kandahar governor's slap".  The Christian Science Monitor.

July 17, 2010.  "The curse of Kandahar".  The LA Times.

July 16, 2010.  "Canada hands over Kandahar security to US military".

July 15, 2010.  "Progress in Kandahar A Matter of Whom to Trust".  NPR.

July 14, 2010.  "What Kandahar residents say about the Afghanistan War: It's complicated".  The Christian Science Monitor.

July 9, 2010.  "Marjah's Lessons for Kandahar".  Institute for the Study of War.

July 9, 2010.  "For the U.S., Cat and Mouse in Taliban Heartland".  NPR.

July 4, 2010.  "Hearts, minds and the same old warlords".  Le Monde Diplomatique.

July 2, 2010.  "The challenge of Kandahar".  Los Angeles Times.

June 26, 2010.  "In Kandahar, many wounds of war treated at Mirwais hospital".  The Washington Post.

June 20, 2010.  "Afghan forces' apathy starts to wear on U.S. platoon in Kandahar".  The Washington Post.

June 17, 2010.  "On Assignment: "Shooting" Special Forces".  NPR.

June 17, 2010.  "In Kandahar, A Battle For Hearts, Minds".  NPR.

June 17, 2010.  "U.S. Hopes To Win Afghan Trust, Village by Village".  NPR.

June 16, 2010.  "Kandahar Journal: Returning to Afghanistan".  National Post.

June 14, 2010.  "In Visit to Kandahar, Karzai Outlines Anti-Taliban Plan".  The New York Times.

June 14, 2010.  "Afghanistan's Karzai endorses NATO's Kandahar operation".  The Washington Post.

June 13, 2010.  "Ahmed Wali Karzai, an ally and obstacle to the U.S. military in Afghanistan".  The Washington Post.

June 12, 2010.  "Slow growth for Afghan National Army Air Corps in Kandahar".  NTM-A CSTC-A.

June 11, 2010.  "Kandahar offensive will take months longer than planned, U.S. says".  The Washington Post.

June 11, 2010.  "U.S., Allies Slowly Launch Effort To Tame Kandahar".  NPR.

June 9, 2010.  "Special Forces Training Afghan Villagers".

June 4, 2010.  "Above Afghan valley, a constant scanning for bombs".  Los Angeles Times.

May 27, 2010.  "Battle for Kandahar: If Afghan Gov't Doesn't Improve "We're Going to Lose" ".  ABC News.

May 26, 2010.  "Taliban Haunt Nights in a Kandahar Village".  The Wall Street Journal.

May 26, 2010.  "The Poo Pond".  NY Times Blog.

May 23, 2010.  "Results of Kandahar offensive may affect future U.S. moves".  The Washington Post.

May 23, 2010.  "With the Troops: Afghan relations a key part of work".  The Fayetteville Observer.

May 23, 2010.  "Canadian patrol illustrates difficulty figuring out friend from foe in Panjwaii".  Winnipeg Free Press.

May 22, 2010.  "In Kandahar, the Taliban targets and assassinates those who support U.S. efforts".  The Washington Post.

May 20, 2010.  "U.S. Military Tones Down Rhetoric On Kandahar".

May 20, 2010.  "A dangerous job in Kandahar".  Afghanistan Crossroads CNN Blog.

May 20, 2010.  "A Quiet, Tense Night for a First Patrol".  New York Times.

May 19, 2010.  "O Brother, Where Art Thou?"  Foreign Policy.

May 18, 2010.  "Violence Drains Hope From Afghans In Kandahar".

May 17, 2010.  "Aussie troops build presence in Kandahar ahead of NATO push".  The Australian.

May 17, 2010.  "Afghanistan war: Kandahar offensive is now in the slow lane".  The Christian Science Monitor.

May 13, 2010.  "McChrystal: Months Before Kandahar Results Known".

May 11, 2010.  "When information hits harder than firepower in military campaigns".  Times Online UK.

May 6, 2010.  "Higher Casualties Predicted in Kandahar".

May 6, 2010.  "A look at costs of Afghan war to U.S. taxpayers".

May 2, 2010.  "US Army captain becomes 'king' in Afghanistan".

May 2, 2010.  "US forces training Afghan villagers to watch for Taliban".

April 26, 2010.  "Elite U.S. Units Step Up Effort in Afghan City Before Attack".  The New York Times.

April 2, 2010.  "Kandahar".  Steve Coll, The New Yorker.

April 1, 2010.  "U.S. campaign to reform Kandahar is rife with pitfalls".  David Ignatius, The Washington Post.

March 31, 2010.  "Harvesting Democracy in Afghanistan".  Joe Klein, Time.

March 31, 2010.  "U.S. forces sets sights on Taliban bastion of Kandahar".  The Washington Post.

March 30, 2010.  "Battlefield Tourist".  Steve Coll, The New Yorker.

March 30, 2010.  "Despite Doubt, Karzai Brother Retains Power".  The New York Times.

March 29, 2010.  "Nato commanders to put Afghan troops in front line for new southern push".  Times Online.

March 28, 2010.  "What next for Canada's tough new Army?".  The Star.

March 26, 2010.  "Kandahar, a Battlefield Even Before U.S. Offensive".  The New York Times.

March 25, 2010.  "Goodbye, Burger King: Top U.S. General Orders Closure of Western Comforts in Kandahar".  Fox News.

March 23, 2010.  "A-10 Warthogs in Action Over Kandahar".  Fox News.

March 22, 2010.  "Kandahar offensive a test for NATO".  Montreal Gazette.

March 19, 2010.  "A U.S. Stumbling Block in Kandahar: Karzai's Brother". Time Magazine.

March 17, 2010.  "Kandahar campaign already underway, general says".  Reuters.

March 17, 2010. "Into the Hornet's Nest".  Foreign Policy Magazine.

March 17, 2010.  "McChrystal lays out campaign for Kandahar".  Air Force Times.

March 16, 2010.  "Karzai to dispatch more Afghan troops-police to defend Kandahar".  Google.

March 15, 2010.  "Kandahar Airfield without Canadiana".  The Globe and Mail.

March 15, 2010.  "Afghan president orders forces to Kandahar".  Google.

March 14, 2010.  "Kandahar attacks are a warning to NATO, says Afghanistan Taliban".  The Christian Science Monitor.

March 12, 2010.  "Marjah push: Ups and downs are lessons for future".  Google News.

March 9, 2010.  "Stage set for Kandahar, McChrystal says".

March 9, 2010.  "Fight for Kandahar won't be like fight for Marjah".  The Christian Science Monitor.

March 8, 2010.  "Afghanistan Commander Sees Slow Build - Up In Kandahar".  The New York Times.

March 7, 2010.  "Last exit from Kandahar".  The Globe and Mail.

March 4, 2010.  "After Marja, 'Kandahar Will be Next,' Mullen Says".  DoD Press Release.

March 3, 2010.  "Military rebuffs blogger's call for top Canadian general to be fired".  National Post.

March 1, 2010.  "Marjah as a Test Case".  Bangor Daily News.

February 26, 2010.  "U.S. Eyes New Target: Heartland of Taliban".  The New York Times.

February 23, 2010.  "Afghanistan war:  Marjah offensive is trial run for Kandahar push".  The Christian Science Monitor.

February 13, 2010.  "A Test for the Meaning of Victory in Afghanistan".  The New York Times.

February 13, 2010.  "U.S. Starts Afghan Surge".  The Wall Street Journal.

February 12, 2010.  "Afghan Offensive Is New War Model".  The New York Times.

February 3, 2010.  "U.S. Announces Helmand Offensive".  The Wall Street Journal.


October 29, 2009.  "Has Karzai Helped or Hurt the U.S. in Afghanistan?"  Time Magazine.

October 28, 2009.  "Karzai's Problem Brother: Drugs, Spies and Controversey".  Time Magazine.

October 28, 2009.  "Why the CIA Can't Be Picky About Afghan Partners".  Time Magazine.

October 16, 2009.  "See You Soon, If We're Still Alive".  Foreign Policy Magazine.

Publications Blogs about Kandahar

Operation Omaid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Kandahar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopdia

Wheels coming off the bus in Kandahar?  Small Wars Council blog thread.



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