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Bulgaria in Afghanistan

Map of Bulgaria

The country of Bulgaria has been a constant ally to the other troop contributing nations in Afghanistan. In 2015, with the ending of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) mission and the beginning of the NATO Resolute Support mission Bulgaria became one of the troop contributing nations supporting the 'train, advise, and assist' mission. Since the beginning of 2015 there have been over 100 Bulgarian troops deployed to Afghanistan.

Blog posts about Bulgaria in Afghanistan by Afghan War News Blog.

Deployments of Bulgarian forces included medical teams based in western Herat province, and airport security guard company based at the Kabul International Airport, a small contingent at Camp Phoenix. an airport security guard company based at the Kandahar airbase, and other individuals working at various ISAF staffs and as trainers and advisors to the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF). At the height of the deployments to Afghanistan Bulgaria had over 760 troops stationed in the country.

Miscellaneous Information

How do I call Sofia, Bulgaria from Afghanistan?
Dial 00 + 359 + 2 + Local Number.

What is the distance from Bulgaria to Afghanistan?
3,768 kilometers or 2, 341 miles.

Bulgarian Embassy in Afghanistan

Military of Bulgaria by Wikipedia

News Reports about Bulgaria in Afghanistan

May 2, 2019. "The 38th Bulgarian Contingent of the NATO Leaves for the International Resolute Support Mission", Bulgarian Military. The 160-man contingent includes a national element, a team of advisors, a security team, and staff officers.

May 1, 2015. "557th Medical Company (Area Support) medics provide first responder training for Bulgarian soldiers", DVIDS. Medics from the 30th Medical Brigade of Baumholder, Germany conducted a first responder course in March 2015 at the Vasil Levski National Military University in Bulgaria to prepare Bulgarian land forces for a deployment to support Operation Resolute support in Afghanistan.

November 13, 2014. "Bulgarian Soldiers to Depart for NATO's New Mission in Afghanistan". About 110 troops head to Afghanistan soon. They will be responsible for the security of Kandahar airfield as well as provide instructors and staff for the new Resolute Support mission that is training, advising, and assisting the Afghan security forces.

September 5, 2014. "Bulgaria provides humanitarian aid for Afghanistan landslide victims". ReliefWeb. The aid was delivered in response to the landslide in Badakhshan province in May 2014. Among the aid items were 50 tents and 200 blankets.

January 7, 2014. "300 Bulgarian Rangers Leave for Afghanistan". The Rangers will guard the Kandahar airport in southern Afghanistan as well as provide teams of advisors to the local security forces.

January 5, 2013. "Bulgaria starts withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan".

March 6, 2012. "Afghanistan: Georgia Guard welcomes visit from Bulgarian President". National Guard. The President of the Republic of Bulgaria and his delegation paid a visit to his deployed Bulgarian soldiers in February 2012 at Camp Phoenix (located in Kabul area).

December 1, 2011. "Bulgaria to withdraw 600 troops from Afghanistan". Khaama Press. The troops will be withdrawn over the course of the next three years starting in 2012 and ending with the termination of the NATO ISAF mission in December 2014.

January 15, 2008. "Bulgaria Orders M1117 ASVs for Afghanistan." Defense Industry Daily. A deal signed with Textron Land Systems will be in force until 2011. The vehicles provide good mobility with strong anti-personnel firepower.


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