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Documentaries about AfghanistanListed below are documentaries about Afghanistan and the Afghan War.
Waging Peace: Canada in Afghanistan.
This 53-min long film follows the activities of Canadian soldiers in
Canada. Posted on YouTube on December 29, 2012. Camp Victory, Afghanistan.
A film by Carole Dysinger. This film is about United States National Guard
Soldiers from Vermont trying to train an indigenous Afghan army (elements
of the 207th Corps) from mid- to late 2000s in Herat, Afghanistan. Posted
on YouTube. The Last Commando: A Modern Day Green
Beret. A video about a Special Forces team in Afghanistan.
Interviews of the team members provide their perspective on the mission,
Afghanistan, and fellow team members. Circa 2014, 40 minutes, posted on
YouTube. Never Ending War in Afghanistan,
BBC posted on YouTube by Discovery Channel, published on December 16,
2013. Afghanistan Revealed: The Unknown Story of a Land, National Geographic, 2001.
Books about AfghanistanAll external sites open up in a new window. |