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AMD-65 Assault Rifle

The AMD-65 is a Hungarian assault rifle that was issued to the Afghan National Police (ANP) beginning in 2006. It was not an ideal weapon due to performance and interoperability with the AK family.

Shortcomings. The weapon is shorter than most so the accuracy is limited, the handguard is made of sheetmetal - becoming hot once several magazines have been fired, and the weapon is prone to untimely stoppages.

Videos of AMD-65 Assault Rifle

Afghan Uniformed Police Training with AMD-65 Assault Rifle,, March 22, 2013.

News Articles about the AMD-65

October 26, 2010. "One Poor Choice in Arming the Afghans, and Its Repercussions", The New York Times. This news article cites the AMD-65 as an inferior weapon which the Afghans hesitate to use.

The Pentagon purchased 45,000 AMD-65s for delivery in 2006 at a cost of over $13 million. Hungary donated another 39,000 from its pool of surplus weapons.





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