Movies about Afghanistan
Documentaries on Afghanistan
The Longest War. Showtime, 2020. This
documentary feature provides the human stories and drama behind
America's involvement in Afghanistan, now the longest war in U.S.
history. First-hand witnesses - ranging from U.S. intelligence
operatives, to soldiers and their families, Afghan officials,
journalists, top government and military officials - bring their
experiences to life through emotional interviews.
Afghanistan Revealed: The Unknown Story of a Land. National Geographic, 2001.
Read review of a documentary about a U.S. Army Black Hawk MEDEVAC crew that
debuted on ITunes and Amazon. The documentary is based on filming that
took place in 2011 in Afghanistan - the second deadliest year for
coalition forces since the start of the war.
"Afghan War Documentary 'Trauma' Does Justice To The Difficult Job of Combat Medic", Task and Purpose, January 19, 2018.
Fictional Movies on Afghanistan
Brotherhood. A movie that depicts the Russian withdrawal from Afghanistan. The movie was condemned by many Russian veterans of the Afghan war for depicting
Russian soldiers as looters and drunkards. Read a review of the movie in
"Film About Afghan War Attacked as 'Unpatriotic' by Russian Veterans", Voice of America, April 17, 2019.
12 Strong, released in January 2018, this movie depicts the exploits of a 5th Special Forces Group SFODA that linked up with the Northern Alliance in the days following the terrorist attacks of 9/11.
A War, a movie about Danish troops fighting in Helmand province, Afghanistan. The film uses English sub-titles but is easy to follow. The action depicted in this
fictional movie is realistic and allmost all events that take place in the movie very likely happened hundreds of times during the Afghan conflict. Read a review of the movie at the link below.
The Wakhan Front / Ni le ciel, ni la terre,2015. Directed by Clement Cogitore, producted by Kazak Productions. A fiction piece about 1 1/2 hours long. Watch the trailer on
Hyena Road, 2015. This Canadian film portrays the complexity of the war in Afghanistan. It is about a Canadian Army mission to build a paved road into the heart of
Taliban country outside of Kandahar province. Read a review of the film in
"Hyena Road: Bullets-and-Bodies or Hearts-and-Minds?", Time Now, February 24, 2018.
Charlie Wilson's War. Starring Julia Roberts and Tom Hanks. Directed by Mike Nichols, Universal Studios, 2008. A movie based on Congressman Charlie Wilson, a Congressman from
Texas, who mobilized support within Congress and government for the Mujahideen who were fighting the Soviet invasion and occupation of Afghanistan.
Fun Videos on Afghanistan
The Bagram Batman. Bagram Batman ensures the safety of service members and civilians deployed in Afghanistan. See how he 'instructs' one absent minded Solider on what NOT to do. "INCOMING!"
News Reports on War Movies about Afghanistan
January 4, 2016.
"This is the fictional war film which features real life soldiers", BBC Newsbeat. A war movie about the Danish military's involvement in Afghanistan.