Videos about Afghanistan
Websites with Videos on Afghanistan
Resolute Support Headquarters - posted on
Armed Forces Network (AFN) Afghanistan on
Permanent Mission of Afghanistan to the UN posted
U.S. Forces Afghanistan (USFOR) posted on
on Afghanistan
(listed in chronological order)
Defense Intelligence Agency in Afghanistan.
This six minute long video describes the mission of DIA employees who
servei in the Afghan conflict. November 11, 2019, DIA.
Resettlement in Afghanistan. This 1 1/2
hour long video features four panaliest discussing the reintegration of
former Taliban fighters and their families back into Afghan society.
Speakers include John Sopko, Kate Bateman, Scott Worden, and others.
Guardian Angels in Afghanistan, U.S.
Army, January 21, 2019, 2 minutes. "Guardian Angels are Soldiers whose
primary focus is to provide internal security to Soldiers during combat
operations in Afghanistan. Angels focus on all aspects of security
threats as well as exit routes in emergency situations to keep their
brothers and sisters safe."
TAAC-Air. A two-minute long video about
the mission of the Train, Advise, Assist Command - Air in Afghanistan. (DVIDS,
December 20, 2018).
Medical Support for RS at MeS, Resolute
Support, October 29, 2018. A Dutch medical officer describes her job at
Camp Marmal, Afghanistan. (2 mins).
Enabling Afghan Women, Resolute
Support, October 29, 2018. The Senior Gender Advisor at Train, Advise,
and Assist Command - North (TAAC-North) describes her duties and
responsibilities at Mazar-e Shariff in this 2-minute long video.
TAAC-N's Excellence Lies in Great
Cooperation, Resolute Support, October 29, 2018, 2 mins. A force
protection officer talks about his job at MeS and working with other
nations at TAAC-North.
Losing a War in Afghanistan: Countering the
Taliban and Understanding U.S. Policies, FDD's Long War Journal,
November 16, 2018. A 1 1/2 hour long video of a panel discussion.
The ANDSF Is Only Getting Stronger,
Resolute Support Headquarters, July 18, 2018. An operations advisor from
1st SFAB says the Taliban can't win against the ANDSF.
Resolute Support Gender Advisor,
Resolute Support Headquarters, July 2, 2018. The RS HQs gender advisor
speaks about Afghanistan's gender initiative progress and plans for the
future. (DVIDS, 2 mins).
Airdrop of Supplies by Parachute to SOF
Teams, Resolute Support Headquarters, July 1, 2018. Supplies are
dropped to special operations teams in Nangarhar province, Afghanistan.
Afghan Female Pilot Graduation,
Resolute Support Headquarters, June 28, 2018. Two female aviators
graduate from a 15-month long aviation course in the Czech Republic.
One Shot One Kill - ANA Sniper Training,
Resolute Support HQs, June 23, 2018. A Marine instructor provides a
2-minute long brief on how Afghan instructors of the 215th ANA Corps in
Helmand province are conducting proficiency training on the M24 sniper
weapon system.
Expeditionary Advising in Helmand,
Resolute Support Headquarters, April 7, 2018. U.S. Marines with Task
Force Southwest conduct expeditionary advising at brigade level in
Marjah and Sangin districts.
New Groundbreaking Facilities for Women in
the Afghan National Army, Resolute Support,, April 8,
2018. A daycare center and women's training center is opening at the
The First Team in and the Last Team Out from
Maimanah EAP, Resolute Support, April 2, 2018.
Great teamwork in the first EAP in Northern
Afghanistan, Resolute Support, March 24, 2018.
TAAC-North assisted by other teams from Kabul deployed an Expeditionary
Advisory Package (EAP) to Faryab province to assist the ANA 209th Corps.
Progress on Peace and Stability in
Afghanistan, United States Institute for Peace (USPI), March 22,
2018. USIP held a one-hour long panel discussion featuring Afghan
National Security Advisor H.E. Mohammad Hanif Atmar. Atmar discusses the
security challenges in Afghanistan and the path to peace.
Lethal Advantage: Afghan Air Force is ready
to strike, Resolute Support, March 22, 2018. This 2-minute long
video showcases some of the aircraft of the Afghan Air Force.
Increasing the lethality of the ANDSF from
above with support from below, Resolute Support, March 22, 2018.
This one-minute video highlights the work of maintenance crews that keep
the aircraft flying and equipment functioning.
On Standby: Preparing the U.S. military in
Afghanistan to respond to humanitarian operations, Resolute Support
HQs, March 22, 2018. A short 1-min video about a course - Joint
Humanitarian Operations Course (JHOC) - in disaster relief taught to
U.S. military members by the USAID Office of Foreign Disaster
Happy Now Roz 1397. General Nicholson
sends greetings and best wishes to the people of Afghanistan for Naw Roz
1397, RS HQs, March 20, 2018.
Women are Making a Change in Afghan Media,
Resolute Support HQs, March 16, 2018. A one-minute long video
features a media analysts at the Bayan Media Center in Mazar-e Sharif.
Collaboration and Professionalism at Bayan
Media Center, Resolute Support, March 16, 2018. Afghan media
professionals work closely with advisors from the Train, Advise, and
Assist Command - North in supporting the ANDSF in their mission for a
secure and stable environment for northern Afghanistan.
ANDSF in the Lead, Resolute Support,
February 27, 2018. This 2-min video has some good footage of the Afghan
security forces and tells us that the Afghans are in the lead for
security. Of course, they have been for quite a few years but just in
case we forgot . . .
Secretary Kerry and Gen (ret) McChrystal on
Afghanistan, Yale University, February 23, 2018. The topic of
Afghanistan and counterterrorism is discussed by a panel held at the
Jackson Institute for Global Affairs. This is a 1 1/2 hour program
featuring a former Secretary of State and former ISAF commander.
Preparing for the Future: First Afghans
Graduate NATO Course, Resolute Support, February 20, 2018. The
first members of the ANDSF graduate from the "Introduction to
Operational Planning Course".
Can Economic Interventions Reduce Violence?
New Evidence from Kandahar, New America, February 16, 2018. This 1
1/2 hour long video of a panel discussion that explores the role of
economic interventions in reducing conflict and violence in Kandahar
province; report discussed is by Mercy Corps and the Political Violence
FieldLab at Yale University.
Camp Commando Afghanistan, Resolute
Support, February 15, 2018. A Slovakian Special Forces soldier talks
about his job training Afghan SOF. (2-mins).
Directorate S: America's Secret Wars in
Afghanstan and Pakistan, New America, February 9, 2018. Steven Coll
talks about his new book.
Part 1:
Part 2.
Blindsided by the Taliban, Carmen
Gentile, February 7, 2018. This is the official trailer for of a war
journalist's book about how he survived being wounded in Afghanistan and
how he dealt with the depression that followed.
Afghan Police Women Driving School,
Resolute Support HQs, February 6, 2018. An Afghan policewoman talks
about the driving school she is attending sponsored by TAAC-North.
A Force to Reckon With, USFOR-A,
February 2, 2018. This two-minute long video highlights the mission of
the Czech Republic 9th Force Protection Company - providing a secure
environment for the Bagram Ground Defense Area (BGDA).
Operation Afghanistan: The Role of JBER's
Spartan Brigade, KTUU 2, February 1, 2018. This 4-min video
explains the mission of Train, Advise, and Assist Command - East at
Tactical Base Gamberi, Laghman province, Afghanistan.
Task Force-3 Geronimo Leads the Charge in
Force Protection, USFOR-A, February 1, 2018. A U.S. Army unit
charged with protecting Bagram Air Field is profiled in this 2-min
The Special Mission Wing: Afghanistan's
Special Aviation Unit, Resolute Support (30-seconds),
January 31, 2018.
The Afghan Commandos Trying to Beat Back the
Taliban,, VICE News, January 29, 2018, 5 mins.
Croatian Military Medical Advisor,
Resolute Support,, January 28, 2018. This video features a
doctor assigned to TAAC North who works at the Regional Military
Hospital at Camp Shaheen.
Healing Afghanistan's Heroes, Resolute
Support,, January 22, 2018. A short 2-min video about the
Kandahar Regional Military Hospital (KRMH).
Rebuilding Darul Aman Palace, Resolute
Support,, January 19, 2018. A short 1-min video about the
reconstruction of the palace in Kabul.
Reaching the Afghan People, Resolute
Support,, January 17, 2018. A short 1-min video about a
German advisor working with the media center in Mazar-e-Sharif.
US Marines Transfer Authority in Helmand,
Resolute Support,, January 17, 2018. General John Nicholson,
commander of RS, speaks at the transfer of authority / command for Task
Force Southwest. (1 min).
From the Ground Up: Rebuilding the Afghan
Air Force, Resolute Support,, January 14, 2018. A 1-min
long video depicting the crew of an Afghan Air Force C-208 conducting a
parachute resupply mission.
Interview with IP of AAF's SMW,
Resolute Support, DVIDS, 8 Jan 2018. An instructor pilot with the Afghan
Air Force's Special Mission Wing talks about his job in this 2-min
The Sons of Afghanistan, Resolute
Support,, January 7, 2018. A short 1-min long video about
the ANA Commandos featuring Colonel Miller, Special Operations Advisory
Group (SOAG).
Afghanistan's Special Aviation Unit,
NSOCC-A, DVIDS, January 6, 2018. Short video about the Special Mission
wing featuring the SMW 4th Squadron commander.
Controlling the Air in Mazar-e-Sharif,
Resolute Support,, January 5, 2018. A Hungarian air traffic
controller describes her job advising Afghans at the M-e-S airport.
Afghan Commandos Have a Message for the
Taliban, Resolute Support,, January 2, 2018.
Afghan Commandos at the 3rd SOK,
Resolute Support,, December 20, 2017.
Commandos of the 3rd Special Operations Kandak conduct training in
Progress Made by RS in 2017, Resolute
Support,, December 27, 2017. General Nicholson, cdr of RS,
explains the significant progress made in 2017 against the Taliban in
this 46-second long video.
Georgian Ranger Company Keeps RS HQ Safe Day
and Night, Resolute Support,, December 17, 2017.
Kabul Garrison Command: Keeping the Capital
City Safe, Resolute Support,, December 12, 2017. (2
Doubling the Afghan Commando Force,
Resolute Support, December 6, 2017. One-minute video about new Commandos
graduating from the schoolhouse.
President Ashraf Ghani Remarks at 7th
Conference of the Heart of Asia - Istanbul Process,,
December 1, 2017.
Commando Force 333: Undefeated,
Resolute Support HQs, December 1, 2017. The Commander of RS speaks to
the commandos after viewing a demonstration of their capabilities.
Herat Mountain Warfare Graduation,
Resolute Support HQs, November 27, 2017. Video highlights the advanced
mountain warfare techniques and urban combat skills practiced by the ANA
in Herat province. The Mountain Warfare Training Center was established
with the assistance of the Italian Alpini.
NATO Ambassador to Afghanistan on Future
Elections, Resolute Support, November 21, 2017.
Afghan Security Forces on the Offensive,
Resolute Support, November 11, 2017. In this 30-second video General
Nicholson of RS HQs explains how the growth of the ANA Commandos, MoI's
Special Police Units, and the Afghan Air Force will be a game changer in
the 2018 fighting.
Back to the Future in Afghanistan,
Harriman Institute at Columbia University, October 30, 2017. An
examination of how Russia and the U.S. could possibly cooperate in
Afghanistan. (1 1/2 hours long).
EAPs Prove Vital to ANDSF Success in
Helmand, DVIDS, September 21, 2017. The advisors of Task Force
Southwest are now advising at levels below corps and zone. Watch a
2-minute video describing the advisors job at brigade and kandak level
in Helmand province.
The Non-Military Components of the United
State's Strategy in Afghanistan, Center for Strategic &
International Studies (CSIS), September 8, 2017. This panel discussion
explores the political and economic elements that an effective U.S.
strategy must include with insight on the emerging role that
multilateral institutions can play in Afghanistan.
Afghanistan Policy Under Trump, New
America, September 8, 2017. The New America International Security
Program recently held a one hour plus panel discussion on the new
strategic policy for Afghanistan. Peter Bergen, John Dempsey, and
Ioannis Koskinas provide their perspective.
In the Warlord's Shadow: Village Stability
Operations in Afghanistan, New America, September 8, 2017. A book
author, Dan Green, talks about the VSO program established by U.S. SOF
in Afghanistan.
Going Through Flight School in a Combat
Zone, Resolute Support, September 8, 2017. A U.S. Army pilot talks
about his experience with the student pilots of the Afghan Air Force.
Mi-17 - A Platform in Transition,
CENTCOM Public Affairs, September 6, 2017. A two-minute video of the
current mission of the Mi-17 and plans to transition from the Mi-17 to
the UH-60 Black Hawk.
Afghan Pilots Launch on a Mission,
Resolute Support, September 5, 2017. AAF pilots prepare and arm their
helicopters for a mission in the Mazar-e-Sharif region.
August 26, 2017. "Interview: Top U.S. Army
Commander in Afghanistan Discusses New South Asian Strategy", Radio
Free Europe. General John Nicholson talks on future involvement of
the United States in Afghanistan.
July 21, 2017. "The Longest War", The Aspen
Institute. A panel discussion featuring Shah Nazar Khan, First
Secretary, Embassy of Pakistan; James Cunningham, Former US Ambassador
to Afghanistan: Hamdullah Mohib, Ambassador of Afghanistan to the United
States; and Robin Raphel, Former Assistant Secretary of State for South
Asia. (1 hr 15 mins).
July 10, 2017. "CSTC-A Cdr on Need for UH-60s
for AAF", The Deputy Commander of the Combined Security Transition
Command - Afghanistan explains the need for more rotary-wing assets for
the Afghan Air Force and tries to justify the need for the very
expensive, complicated, and hard-to-maintain UH-60 Blackhawk as the
July 6, 2017. RSM: For the Future of
Afghanistan, posted by SHAPE NATO on The one-minute
long video explains the transition from the International Security Force
Assistance (ISAF) mission to the Resolute Support mission.
June 21, 2017. United Nations Security
Council Debate on the Situation in Afghanistan, posted by
"UNAfghanistan" on The Afghan ambassador to the UN
addresses the UN Security Council.
June 15, 2017. Task Force Southwest supports
ANDSF Maiwand Three operations. A Resolute Support video, 1-min
long. Advisors talk on how they are assisting the 215th Corps with
operational planning for Maiwand Three.
June 14, 2017. Engaging with Afghan civil
society. A Resolute Support HQ video, 1-min long, with Senior
Civilian Representative (SCR) of NATO to Afghanistan
expressing his thoughts on how ". . . civil society is a key driver
of change in . . ." Afghanistan.
June 13, 2017. Afghan soldiers complete
mechanic training. A maintenance chief of the 215th Corps in
Helmand province tells us how the U.S. is helping his men perform their
mission. (RS HQs video, 1-min).
June 8, 2017. ANDSF Roadmap. A Resolute
Support HQs 2-min video by the RS HQs Chief of Staff outlines the key
components of the ANDSF 4-year Roadmap.
April 19, 2017. A Soldier's Eye View of
Afghanistan. A BBC World Service documentary. 53 minute long
podcast from the perspective of Russian, U.S., British, and Afghan
April 16, 2017. McMaster Speaks Out About
Situation in Afghanistan. Tolo News. A 7-min interview by the
U.S. National Security Advisor during his visit to Kabul.
March 21, 2017. The Future of Afghanistan: A
Conversation with H.E. Dr. Hamdullah Mobib, video hosted by New
America and moderated by CEO of Hoplite Group.
A State Built on Sand: How Opium Undermined
Afghanistan, SOAS University of London, March 20, 2017. Dr. David
Mansfield delivers this one hour long lecture.
February 16, 2017. Why Invest in Afghanistan,
posted on YouTube by Afghanistan Embassy Washington, D.C. 5-minute long
video. Loaded with facts, figures, and optimism.
February 9, 2017. "Afghan Special Forces
Training B-Roll", DVIDS
February 3, 2017. Four Seasons of Beautiful
Bamyan, a film by Rowana Film Production, 8-min video posted by
Afghanistan Embassy Washington on YouTube.
January 9, 2017. Fighting floods and avalances
in beautiful Jawzari, a 5-min video about planting trees to improve
the environment in Bamyan province. United Nations Development Program
January 5, 2017. Passing the Baton 2017:
America's Role in the World, posted on by the United
States Institute of Peace. Scott Worden, director of Afghanistan and
Central Asia programs for USIP, talks in this 2-min long video of the
importance of maintaining civilian and military assistance to Afghanistan.
January 3, 2017. Afghan Civilian
Meteorologists integrated at KAIA, posted on by Resolute
January 2016. The Unseen Afghanistan.
From Khyber Khan. 4-min video of Afghan landscape filmed via drone.
December 29, 2016. Kandahar Airfield: 2016
Year in Review. A short 2-min video showing how busy the 451st Air
Expeditionary Group at Kandahar was during 2016.
December 26, 2016.
Afghanistan Battlefield Circulation, Resolute Support HQs, posted
December 6, 2016. Afghanistan in 2016: a
Survey of the Afghan People, Asia Foundation. This 6-min long video
posted on describes how the annual survey is conducted every
November 18, 2016. UN General Assembly
resolution on "The Situation in Afghanistan", the Afghan ambassador
speaks to the UN Assembly.
October 10, 2016. The Afghanistan War: A
Timeline, Task & Purpose, October 10, 2016. An 8-minute video of
combat footage starting in 2001 and going to 2016.
October 2, 2016. Political and Human Rights of
Women. European Union in Afghanistan. The 4-min long video focuses on
women's basic rights as well as their political involvement. The video
also hightlights the achievements, persisting challenges, and future
September 27, 2016. Economic Opportunity for
Women, by Mercy Corps. This short 5-min long video depicts how Mercy
Corps provides jobs.
September 21, 2016. Afghanistan's Proudest
Achievement: Reviving Afghan Security and Defense Forces, An Afghan government IO video. If only it were true.
July 20, 2016. Afghanistan and Central Asia.
Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS). A 90 minute video of
presentation and discussion on security situation in Afghanistan and
impact on Central Asia.
June 18, 2016. What will happen in Afghanistan
as Obama leaves office?, Public Broadcasting System (PBS), 6 minutes.
June 17, 2016. Future of Afghanistan.
Afghan Ambassador to the U.S. Hamdullah Mohib talked about his perspective
on the mass shooting in Orlando, Florida, as well as the future of
Afghanistan and the war against the Taliban. C-SPAN Washington Journal, 38
June 2, 2016. His Excellency Hamdullah Mohib:
Afghanistan: A Transformation in Progress, World Affairs Council.
Karl Eikenberry hosts a discussion with the Ambassador of the Islamic
Republic of Afghanistan to the United States. (1 hour).
May 26, 2016. Afghan Operational Update by BG
Cleveland, DCOS COM, RS, Resolute Support HQs. 27-minute video
highlights major news and issues of the Afghan conflict in the May 2016
May 20, 2016. Training, advising and assisting
the Afghan National Police, Resolute Support HQs. An Italian
Carabinieri advisor from Herat, Afghanistan comments on his advisory role
at the Afghan National Police Training Center in Herat province. Posted on, 2 mins.
May 19, 2016. Sahar Speaks: Empowering Afghan
women to share their stories, posted on The Future of News. A 5-min
long video about the lack of Afghan women working for foreign news
May 12, 2016. Countering the Narratives and
Ideologies of Terrorism, the Afghan spokesman to the United Nations
provides his thoughts at UN Security Council. Posted on, 6
mins long.
May 5, 2016. Resolute Support Spokesman Briefs
Reporters. BG Charles H. Cleveland, deputy chief of staff for
communications for Resolute Support mission, updates Pentagon reporters in
Afghanistan via teleconference. He explains the RS mission, provides info
on the Kunduz MSF medical clinic attack, and answers reporters questions.
April 31, 2016. Terror at the TV Station,
23-minute long documentary on bombings in Kabul and terror threats against
Afghan news media.
February 13, 2016. Remarks by H.E. Mohammad
Ashraf Ghani at the Munich Security Conference, posted by UN
Afghanistan on, 13 minutes. He says the fight in Afghanistan
is not a civil war but a global threat; and adds that the Islamic State
and al Qaeda still pose threats to Afghanistan as well.
February 12, 2016. Afghan Security Forces,
C-SPAN. Defense Department officials testified at a hearing on
capital hill before the House Armed Services Committee on Oversight and
Investigations of the status of U.S. efforts to train and assist the
Afghan National Security forces. (2 hours long).
February 9, 2016. The Afghan People Want
Peace, interview of General Yaftali, commander of 203rd ANA Corps.
Posted by Resolute Support HQs on, 2 mins long.
February 8, 2016. Kuchi Nomads: Struggling and
Stateless in War-Torn Lands, Radio Free Europe. A 3-min long video on
the Afghan nomads.
February 4, 2016. Situation in Afghanistan,
General Campbell, commander of the Resolute Support Mission, testifies
before the U.S. Senate Armed Services committee. (2 hours long).
January 11, 2016. The Resolute Support
Mission. This one-minute long video by Resolute Support HQs explains
the RS NATO mission.
December 9, 2015. A 2-min long video features MG
Jeff Buchanan visiting TAAC-West in Herat.
December 9, 2015. A 2-min long video about IED
training to the Afghan National Defense Security Forces (ANDSF) in Herat
by RS HQs personnel.
November 20, 2015.
"Afghanistan's Female Warlord", Radio Free Europe. A 4 minute
long video about a female commander of a private militia group.
November 5, 2015. "RS Update #7", IED training in
207th Corps, 7th ID passes the colors at TAAC-South. By Resolute Support
HQs, 5 mins long.
March 23, 2015. "Ambassador James Dobbins on
State-Strengthening in Afghanistan 2001-2014", United States
Institute of Peace (USIP).
March 19, 2015. "Afghan Faces: The
Photographer", NATO Channel posted on A snapshot into
the life of a Kabul-based photographer. Ahmad Sohrab Taki likes to gather
scenic shots from all provinces in Afghanistan, though this is sometimes
not possible because of the security situation. (3 minutes).
March 19, 2015. "This is How Afghanistan Can
Become Peaceful and Prosperous", European Union (EU) in Afghanistan,
(2 mins). Video says that Afghanistan is a natural corridor for trade and
transit and that regional cooperation with other countries in the
neighorhood is crucial.
January 27, 2015. "American Forum - The U.S.
in Iraq and Afghanistan: Why We Lost - and What Did We Learn?", A
panel discussion with Daniel Bolger and John Nagl presented by the Miller
Center of the University of Virginia. Both are retired U.S. Army officers
who have wrote books about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Video is one
hour long.
February 10, 2015. "88 Days to Kandahar".
Posted by New America on YouTube. Robert Grenier, the CIA station chief in
Islamabad, Pakistan found himself directing the country's "southern
campaign", orchestrate the final defeat of the Taliban, and helping with
the rise to power of Hamid Karzai. In his new book Grenier recounts his
experience during this critical time. In this video, hosted by Peter
Bergen, Grenier discusses his new book.
March 1, 2014. Inside the Afghan National
Army, VICE Media, Inc. Vice News embeds with the 205th ANA
Corps at Camp Hero, Kandahar during the later part of 2013. This 45 minute
long video was published on
May 27, 2013. "This Is What Winning Looks
Like", VICE Media, Inc. A documentary by Ben Anderson, a journalist
and filmmaker, who spent time with a U.S. Marine Police Advisory Team
(PAT) in Sangin district, Helmand province during 2012. He documents the
challenges faced by the PAT as they try to mold the Afghan National Police
into a professional police force. A 1 1/2 hour long video published on May
27, 2013 and posted on
March 31, 2013. "APU: Eagles of Afghanistan".
Kuchi Films Afghanistan. Thjis 5 minute long video features the special
forces men of the Afghan Partner Units (APU).
2011. Afghanistan: War Without End, BBC.
One-hour long documentary.
December 31, 2010. "A Strategy of Commitment".
Gail McCabe reports on how a strategy of commitment is starting to pay
dividends.(DVIDS, 22 mins).