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Commando Force 333

Commando Force 333 - CF 333

The Afghan Commando Force 333 is a elite special operations force unit of the General Directorate of Police Special Units (GDPSU) of the Afghan Ministry of Interior (MoI). It is based in Logar province (south of Kabul) and has been advised by the UK for a number of years. CF 333 was established in 2002.

British Support. In late 2001 the United Kingdom offered to lead the international community's counternarcotics effort in Afghanistan. This led to the establishment of an Afghan special narcotics force known as CF 333. This Afghan-led force reported to the Afghan Interior Ministry. Funding and training was provided by the United Kingdom.

Organization. Originally, the force consisted of just 150 men. It later grew to about 300 men. It was supported by six Mi-18 helicopters. CF 333 is one of six National Mission Units that belong to the Ministry of Interior.

Mission. CF 333 conducts counter terrorist (CT), counternarcotic (CN), and counterinsurgency (COIN) operations. The CF has the capability to conduct high-profile arrests and respond to crisis situations.

Other NMUs are based in:

Crisis Response Unit (CRU) 222 - Kabul
Afghan Territorial Force (ATF) 444 - Kandahar
ATF 555 - Herat
ATF 888 - Balkh
ATF 999 - Nangarhar

Videos about CF 333

Commando Force 333: Undefeated, Resolute Support,, December 1, 2017.

News Stories about CF 333

December 10, 2023, "Elite Afghan troops face return to Taliban after UK 'betrayal'", BBC News.

August 30, 2023, "Afghanistan: A Final British Betrayal?", by Tim Willasey-Wilsey CMG, Royal United Services Institute (RUSI). The author is a former British diplomat with experience in Afghanistan.

October 19, 2018, "Commando Force 333 celebrates opening of female facilities", NATO Special Operations Component Command - Afghanistan (NSOCC-A), DVIDS.







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