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National Police Command Center (NPCC). The NPCC is located in Kabul and tracks police operations nationwide. (See photo of the NPCC here). MoI Radio FM 96.5. The Ministry of Interior established MoI Radio FM 96.5 to connect the Afghan population with policing efforts in Afghanistan. PIAT. The Police Institutional Advisory Team works with the police national training centers to help develop a professionally qualified, effective police force. Women's Police Corps. The Afghan Women's Police Corps - part of the Ministry of Interior is an important effort for gender integration in the Afghan National Security Forces. Fire and Disaster Police Directorate. A department of the MoI that does important work but gets little attention is the one that handles disasters and fire. This directorate has received lots of funding and training. 2.
Afghan Ministry of Interior (MoI) Advisor Guide, Version 1.0, May 2011, NTM-A. This advisor guide provides information to the police advisor on the MoI mission and organization, ministerial roles and responsibilities, anti-corruption, lessons learned, national police plan, and other tips and hints for the police advisor. Accessed on Nov 2, 2012 here on the NTM-A website. International Police Coordination Board of
Afghanistan (IPCB). The IPCB acts as the main coordination board for
institutional and police reform in the wider context of rule of law within
the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. The board directs, prioritizes and
coordinates the international effort in institutional and police reform.
The MoI has specialized units to deal with high-value criminal targets, counternarcotics, and SWAT type missions. Within the MoI these specialized units - trained, advised, and assisted by ISAF SOF - conduct a variety of missions. The SPUs are known to be very effective and corruption is not rampant - as in other ANP units. The SPUs come under the control of the MoI's General Command of Police Special Units or GCPSU. There are the usual problems - for instance in the oversight by ISAF and the international community on construction contracts. 1. However, because of proper advising from the highest level at MoI to the tactical level these units are among the best in the ANSF. SME Program The MoI 'Subject Matter Expert Program' provides funding for 363 civilian technicians to work within the Ministry of Interior. The program started in 2012 as a method to provide civilian trainers to the MoI and police in technical and adminstrative areas. It soon transitioned to a program the provides subject matter experts in ten different functional areas including procurement, logistics, facilities, human resources and finance. As of June 2015 on 138 civilian experts have been hired. 3.
AAN. Reforming the Afghan Ministry of Interior: A way to 'tilt' the
war? By Kate Clark of the Afghanistan Analysts Network (AAN), June 9,
SIGAR. Afghan National Police: More than $300 Million in Annual,
U.S.-funded Salary Payments is Based on Partially Verified or Reconciled
Data, SIGAR 15-26 Audit Report, January 2015.
PKSOI. Social Capital, Policing, and the Rule-of-Law: Keys to
Stabilization, U.S. Army Peacekeeping & Stability Operations
Institute, Carlisle Barracks, PA, July 2013. An anthology of US Army War
College papers (thesis) on policing and stabilization. Reforming the Afghan National Police. Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), 2009. Paper covers topics such as failings of the ANP, the reform effort, technical capacity building, and ANP institution. Accessed here on the Foreign Policy Research Institute website on Nov 2, 2012. Byrd, Colonel Robert K., Foreign Police Development: The Third
Time's the Charm, U.S. Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, PA,
February 2, 2010. The author states that "One of the most important
aspects of governmental development or reform in a counterinsurgency
(COIN) environment is the growth and sustainment of the police force
charged with maintaining law and order". However, he points out some
significant mistakes made in this regard in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Finney, Nathan K. and William B. Caldwell, "Building Police Capacity in
Afghanistan: The Challenges of a Multilateral Approach", Prism 2, No.
1, November 2010. Krall, LTC David M., Providing Security: The Strategic Importance
of Policing, U.S. Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, PA, March 19,
2010. The author examines the importance of police in Kosovo, Bosnia, and
East Timor. Robert M. Perito. Afghanistan's Police: The Weak Link in Security Sector Reform. Special Report 227, United States Institute of Peace (USIP), August 2009. Accessed here on the website. "Community-based Security and Justice: Arbakai in Afghanistan". IDS Bulletin Volume 40, Issue 2, pages 20-27, March 2009.
Wither, James K. "Challenges of Developing Host Nation Police Capacity",
Prism, Volume 3, No. 4, September 2012, pages 38-53. Posted
on Homeland Security Digital Library.
Law and Order Trust Fund for Afghanistan (LOTFA). By United Nations
Development Program in Afghanistan (UNDP). Afghan National Police by WikipediA. Access here. Ministry of Interior Affairs (MoI). Access here.
October 20, 2020. "Afghanistan's Policing Failure and the Uncertain Way Forward", by Karl Nicolas Lindenlaub, The Strategy Bridge. The author details the shortcomings of the Ministry of Interior, the reasons for failure, and recommends some ways to improve policing in Afghanistan. December 28, 2014. "Head of Afghan police training says high casualties are deadly cost of doing army's job". Fox News. The outgoing head of EUPOL says the ANA needs to do more to assist the ANP in the counterinsurgency effort. December 28, 2012. "Failure Threatens Afghan Police Training Mission". Spiegel Online International. An unfavorable report of the German police training effort in northern Afghanistan. November 20, 2012. "National Logistics Center - Wardak tranisitions to Afghan National Police control". DVIDS. October 20, 2012. "Afghan security force's rapid expansion comes at a cost as readiness lags". The Washington Post. October 19, 2012. "Afghanistan Police School Tries to Fix Struggling Force". The Huffington Post. December 21, 2010. "Mercs Win Billion Dollar Afghan Cop Deal. Again." Danger Room
Endnotes 1. For an example of the problem of oversight with
construction projects see SIGAR 15-27 Inspection Report entitled "Afghan
Special Police Training Center's Dry Fire Range: Poor Constractor
Performance and Poor Government Oversight Led to Project Failure", January
2015, by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction.
Pictures of this building project gone awry are available
2. In March 2015 the Combined Security Transition Command - Afghanistan
(CSTC-A) financed the purchase of 54 fire trucks for Kabul and the
provinces. 3. For more on the MoI's SME Program read "Resolute Support helps MOI hire critical human capital, add expertise", DVIDS, June 23, 2015. Mark Peterson, the director of RS EF-1, explains the SME program.
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