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There are a host of international organizations involved with development in Afghanistan.  Some work with building roads, schools, cell phone towers, hospitals, and developing microenterprises.  Others work towards sustainable solutions that incorporate modern agricultural methods, solar energy, water distribution and irrigation, and expanding the availability of electricity.  The links below will provide you with information about development projects in Afghanistan, who is funding these projects, and who the implementing partners are. The development projects are key to improving the economy of Afghanistan in future years. In addition to this webpage, Afghan War News presents a webpage on development publications and development news.

Listings and Directories of NGOs and other
Organizations Doing Development in Afghanistan

Directory of Development Organizations in Afghanistan. by (PDF)

Listing of non-governmental and international humanitarian organizations operating in Afghanistan.  The Afghanistan Analyst.

The A to Z Guide to Afghanistan Assistance.  Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit (AREU). Available in English, Dari or Pashto.

Selected Development Organizations in Afghanistan

Afghanistan Investment and Reconstruction Task Force.
International Trade Administration of the US Department of Commerce.

Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN in Afghanistan).

Asian Development Bank (ADB).  Afghanistan Programs.

Center for International Private Enterprise - Afghanistan (CIPE).

Central Asia Development Group (CADG).
An implementing partner with non-profit and profit business sectors.

Canada-Afghanistan Solidarity Committee.

European Union and Afghanistan.

International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Task Force for Business & Stability Operations (TFBSO).  The TFBSO fosters "economic stabilization in order to reduce violence, enhance stability, and restore economic normalcy in areas where unrest and insurgency have created a synchronous downward spiral of economic hardship and violence".

United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA).

United Nations Evironment Programme - Disasters & Conflicts Sub-Programme. View photos on the UNEP's work in Afghanistan on FLICKR.

UNICEF.  United Nations.

United Nations Development Program (UNDP) - Afghanistan.

United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).

United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)

United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

World Bank - Afghanistan.

Blogs about Development in Afghanistan

CADG Blog.  Central Asia Development Group.

Other Information about Development in Afghanistan

Agriculture in Afghanistan.

Agricultural Development for Afghanistan Pre-Deployment Training or ADAPT.  Funded by USDA this program provides a week-long training event for government and military members soon to deploy to Afghanistan in an agricultural advisor role.

Railroads in Afghanistan. The history of railroads in Afghanistan is brief. There just are not that many railroads.

Provincial Development Plans (PDPs). PDPs are used by the Afghan government to plan, fund, resource, and coordination government projects and programs at the provincial level.

Istanbul Process - Heart of Asia. An Afghan-led, regional organization that encourages development and security arrangements within the region in support of Afghanistan.

Health. Learn more about COVID-19 in Afghanistan.

Development Projects in Afghanistan

Local Governance and Community Government (LGCD).  The LGCD was a program run by the U.S. Agency for International Development during the 2006-2011 period and contracted out to and implementing partner - DAI.  Learn more about LGCD here.

National Solidarity Programme (NSP). The NSP is a donor funded program under the direction of the Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development (MRRD) to form community level development councils to identify, plan, coordinate, and implement community level development projects. Learn more about theNational Solidarity Program here. Learn about the Afghan Community Development Councils or CDCs formed by the NSP.

Afghan Marble Industry. Some international funding has gone to help the Afghan marble industry in western Afghanistan (Herat region) to become a viable economic force. The efforts to build up the marble industry have been successful - although this success probably has more to do with the Herat region being more secure and Afghan businessmen deciding that certain financial risks could be taken than any prodding or financial assistance by the international community.

Hajigak Iron Ore Mine. There is the possibility of great revenue coming from the iron ore deposits in the area bordering Wardak and Bamyan provinces. This area is know as the Hajigak iron ore deposit.

Mes Aynak Copper Mine. A Chinese (state-funded) corporation has the mining rights to the Mes Aynak Copper Mine that potentially will provide a huge source of revenue to both the Afghan government, the Chinese corporation, and corrupt Afghan officials. The area of the mine also sits within the area of a archeological site of historical importance.

Road Construction. Loads of money has been spent on Afghanistan's roads. Afghan road construction accounts for the second largest expenditure of money next to security expenditures.

Kajaki Hydro Electric Dam. The Kajaki Dam is located in southern Afghanistan and has had a troubled past due to security issues, mismanagement issues, and Afghan government incompetance.

TAPI Pipeline. This project, the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) pipeline, will transport natural gas from Turkmenistan to the countries of Afghanistan, Pakistan and India.


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Books about Afghanistan

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