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South Asia StrategyIn mid-2017 the Trump administration introduced the South Asia Strategy that set the way forward for the U.S. conflict in Afghanistan and its activities with the greater Afghanistan region. Some Key Components of the South Asia StrategyConditions-based vs. Time-based. The new strategy has focus conditions being achieved before the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan; instead of a time-based approach. Improving ANDSF Capabilties. The new approach does not mean a return to U.S.-led combat operations. It means that the key to success lies in improving Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF) capabilities. There will be an increase in advisors; some of them working a the tactical level (below ANA corps and police zone). Expanded Authorities. The U.S. military can conduct more airstrikes and ground operations with less restrictions. Increased Troop Levels. The U.S. troop committment will increase to about 14,000 troops on the ground on a permanent basis. Kabul Compact. President Ghani, in concert with the U.S. Embassy and U.S. Forces in Afghanistan, has launched an initiative to create and monitor reforms in four priority areas: governance, economic development, security, and the peace process.
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