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Papers & Pubs on Advising

"From the standpoint of America's national security, the most important assignment in your military career may not necessarily be commanding U.S. Soldiers, but advising or mentoring the troops of other nations as they battle the forces of terror and instability within their own borders."

The above quote from U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates
addressing the Cadets at West Point in 2008.


Byrd, Aaron R., Ph.D., PE and Mechille Braden, "A Culture-Independent Conceptual Model of Organizational Leadership for Advisors", Small Wars Journal, October 22, 2020.

Waxler, SFC Michael, "Emotional Intelligence and the Modern Military Advisor", NCO Journal, Army University Press, April 24, 2020.

Grazier, Dan, Preventing Train and Defeat in Future Conflicts. Institutionalizing the lessons learned during Afghanistan to prevent another two-decade exercise in futility. POGO, April 8, 2020.

Murray, Michael G. II and Major Kirk Johnson, Information Paper: The Application of Psychology and the Behavioral Sciences in Advising, January 2020. Two members of the Marine Corps Security Cooperation Group (MCSCG) co-authored a 7-page paper that explores a change in training of advisors that will produce better critical thinkers.


Calhoun, George, "Speak Fluently and Carry a Big Stick: Strengthening Language Training to Enhance Capability", Modern War Institute at West Point, September 4, 2019.


Brown, Edward E., "The Definition of Advisor: Comprehending the Mission to Advise Foreign Security Forces", Small Wars Journal. An Army officer with significant advisor experience defines the roll of an advisor.


King, James, "New Rules for Advisers: Lessons From a Year With the Iraqi Army", Small Wars Journal, May 2, 2017. An Intelligence Officer assigned to a Military Transition Team (MiTT) in Iraq provides insight on how to do military advising.

Griffiths, Zachary, "Advising in Small Wars", Small Wars Journal, April 12, 2017. A Special Forces ODA commander writes on the challenges of advising a Provincial Response Company (PRC) in Nangarhar province, Afghanistan in the 2013 timeframe.

Lewis, Angela M. et al, "Joint Regional Experts: We Can Do Better", Small Wars Journal, April 7, 2017. Three military officers write how DoD should select, train, and assign joint regional experts.


Stringer, Lieutenant Colonel Kevin D., "The Missing Lever: A Joint Military Advisory Command for Partner-Nation Engagement", Joint Force Quarterly, JFQ 81, 2nd Quarter 2016, pages 86-91. Stringer argues that a joint military advisory command is needed to make the advising mission joint, specialized, and institutionally mainstream.

Healey, 1st Lt. Dominick, "Building Rapport: The History and Near Future of Combat Advising", Army Press, 2016.


Hooker, Jr, Richard D. and Joseph J. Collins, "Raising and Mentoring Security Forces in Afghanistan and Iraq", Lessons Encountered: Learning from the Long War,  National Defense University, Fort McNair, DC. ADA621797, September 2015.


Hajjar, Lt. Col. Remi, U.S. Army, "What Lessons Did We Learn (or Re-Learn) About Military Advising After 9/11?", Military Review, November-December 2014, pages 63-75.


Brooks, Michael G., General Editor, Eyewitness to War Volume III: US Army Advisors in Afghanistan, Combat Studies Institute Press, US Army Combined Arms Center, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, 2009.


Grdovic, LTC Mark, "The Advisory Challenge", Special Warfare Magazine, Jan/Feb 2008, Vol. 21, Issue 1, pages 22-28. The author discusses the critical skills an advisor should have to include the importance of getting to know the counterpart, trust, respect, credibility and how to establish a relationship.


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