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News Articles on Advisor Training



November 2024, Staffing the Mission: Lessons From the U.s. Reconstruction of Afghanistan, Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR), PDF, 86 pages.


August 30, 2019. The U.S. has a mixed record on building security partners (as in Iraq and Afghanistan) despite long years of effort and loads of money spent. Thomas-Durell Young of the Naval Postgraduate School provides his recommendations on how to improve. Read "Experimentation Can Help Build Better Security Partners", War on the Rocks, August 30, 2019.

August 29, 2019. Bill Nance, a U.S. Army armor officer with some advisor experience, provides his perspective on the Army's advisor effort. He believes we need to focus on institutional building rather than tactical level advising. Read "Getting Advising Right: The Army Needs a Fundamentally Different Approach to Building Partner Forces", Modern War Institute.

August 28, 2019. Michael Kelvington, a U.S. Army infantry officer with multiple deployments to Afghanistan, provides his thoughts on the 'checkpoint mentality' of the ANDSF. Read "Playing Capture the Flag: Advising Our Way to More Enduring Effects in Afghanistan", Small Wars Journal.


June 26, 2017. "Resolute Support Trains Its People, Improving Advisor Training", U.S. Central Command. Incoming advisors assigned to RS HQs attend a 4-day advising training course. One day is the 'newcomer's briefing day', then two-days learning about RS HQs staff functions as it relates to Security Force Assistance and the 8 Essential Functions, and finally one day of Guardian Angel training learning how to identify and respond to insider threats.







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