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Embedded Training Teams

Marine ETT Team Leader Briefing Afghan Patrol
Marine ETT Team Leader Briefing Afghan Patrol
(Photo by Capt Rock Stevens, DVIDS)

Websites about ETTs

Embedded Training Teams by WikipediA

Embedded Training Teams - Afghanistan. Museum of the Kansas National Guard

Publications about ETTs

CALL, OEF Embedded Training Team Handbook - First 100 Days, Center for Army Lessons Learned, Combined Arms Center (CAC), Fort Leavenworth, KS, No. 08-46, August 08 (FOUO).

Blogs about ETTs

Flight Leader. A blogger writes about his Afghan deployment on a training team.

Embedded in Afghanistan . . . A Marine's opinions and experiences as a member of an Embedded Training Team in 2008-2009 in the Korengal and Pech River Valleys of Afghanistan.

Kenneth Taylor's Blog. Random Thoughts. A Marine on an ETT in Afghanistan.

News Reports about ETTs

November 19, 2010. "Embedded Marines teaching Afghans to fend for themselves". Stars and Stripes. Story on Marines advising Afghan police in Garmsir district, Afghanistan.

July - August 2010. "Sustaining an Afghan National Army Embedded Training Team", Army Sustainment, PB 700-10-04, Volument 42, Issue 4.

March 2009, "A Day in the Life of an Anesthesiologist on an Embedded Training Team in Afghanistan", ASA Monitor, American Society of Anethesiologists, Volume 73, Number 3.

January 11, 2009. "Embedded Training Team strenghtens ANA healthcare systems", United States Central Command.

August 1, 2008. "Down-range Soldiers: Life as mentors for the Afghan National Police", National Guard Online. Story of a Police Mentoring Team (PMT) based at FOB Airborne, Wardak province. Members of the 27th Infantry Brigade Combat Team of the New York National Guard served as security force elements for ETTs and PMTs.

February 2, 2008. "Embedded Training Teams gear up for Afghanistan",

March 21, 2005. "Embedded Training Teams Making History in Afghanistan", DoD News.

Lack of Proper Personnel Resource for ETTs, PTTs, and OMLTs

"There have been insufficient personnel assigned against the ANSF train and equip mission since its inception. The CSTC-A staff authorization falls short of the requirement and the personnel assigned to the ETTs and PMTs fall well short of the authorizaton".

". . . there will still be selected shortfalls of senior grade mentor and trainer personnel."

Quotes are from Report on the Assessment of U.S. and Coalition Plans to Train, Equip, and Field the Afghan National Securit Forces, Inspector General of the United States Department of Defense, Report No. SPO-2009-007, September 30, 2009.



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