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Levels of AdvisingThe Resolute Support Mission (formerly ISAF) in Afghanistan is now primarily one of advising. This Security Force Assistance mission is conducting Train, Advise, and Assist activities with the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF). The ". . . advisory effort is focused on developing functions, systems, processes, and organizational development connected between the ministry and operational levels. Military and civilian advisors work with their Afghan counterparts on three levels of advising:" Level One: Advisors work with their Afghan counterparts on a continuous, persistent (usually daily) basis from either an embedded footprint or in close proximity. Level Two: Advisors work with their Afghan counterparts on a less frequent basis (determined by commanders) to ensure their continued development. The frequency of this interaction varies based on the proximity to and capability of their Afghan counterpart, the threat level to advisors, and coalition resources. Level Three: Advisors are no longer co-located with their Afghan counterparts and train, advise, and assist their Afghan counterparts from a centralized location. Expeditionary advising packages and visits are planned and coordinated with Afghan counterparts to assist periodically in terms of operations and/or sustainment.
The quote in the first paragraph and the
definitions of the three levels of functional advising are taken from
Enhancing Security and Stability in Afghanistan, DoD 1225
Report, December 2015.
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