1st SFAB
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1st Security Force
Assistance Brigade
The 1st Security Force Assistance Brigade (SFAB)
was formed up in May 2017. It is a permanent unit with the
primary role of advising foriegn troops. It was established at Fort
Benning - the first of six SFABs to be formed up. The brigade was
officially activated on February 8, 2018. [1] The 1st SFAB is scheduled to
deploy to Afghanistan in early 2018. By 2024 there should be a total of
six SFABs established.

In May 2016 the Army announced that it is
establishing six Security Force Assistance Brigades or SFABs. Five will
be active duty units while one will be in the Army National Guard. The
SFAB mission is to conduct training with the militaries of other nations
- such as Iraq, Afghanistan, and some African countries. The new unit
will institutionalize the train, advise, and assist mission. Advisory
missions and units in the past have been temporary, ad hoc arrangements.
Reference Internet Sites
1st SFAB Facebook
News Stories about the 1st SFAB
1st SFAB Heraldry - Beret, Tab, and Shoulder
SFAB Military Occupational Specialties
ATP 3-96.1 SFAB. The Army
Techniques Publication, ATP 3-96.1, Securiy Force Assistance Brigade
was published May
2018. This
pub will provides doctrinal guidance and direction for how the
security force assistance brigade (SFAB) plans, prepares, and executes
operations globally.
Mission. The 1st SFAB is a
new unit that is specifically organized and trained to enable combatant
commanders to accomplish theater security objectives by training,
advising, assisting, accompanying, and enabling allied and partnered
indigenous security forces.
Allows BCTs to Re-Focus.
Currently the Army's requirements for advisors and advisor teams in
Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere are filled - in part - by pulling
personnel and elements from the Army's brigade combat teams (BCTs). With
the creation of the six SFABs many of the advisory missions will be
reduced for the BCTs. The SFABs allow the Army to reduce, over time, the
deman for conventioal brigade combat teams for combat advising. This
will allow BCTs to focus on readiness for warfighting against near-peer
Manning. Each SFAB is going to
be a reduced-sized brigade of approximately 500 personnel. Several
numbers have been reported in the press but one that is consistently
cited is 529. However, there are indications that the 1st SFAB is going
to grow to over 800 personnel.
Once manning requirements are met, each of
the "Combat Advisor Teams" (CATs) and Battalion Advisor Teams will have
a FISTer. [1] Other specialities on the advisor teams include medical
and intelligence specialists. Learn more about the
1st SFAB Military
Occupational Specialties (MOSs).
Assessment Process for SFABs.
The Army has an initial assessment process for personnel seeking
assignment to the new Security Force Assistance Brigades. Not much is
known about the exact assessment process - some news accounts say it is
two days long while other reports indicate it is four days long. The
assessment process was developed under the 1st SFAB commander and
command sergeant major's guidance. The assessment events evaluate a
candidates physical attributes, communication skills, ethical
perspectives, problem solving ability, and interpersonal skills. The
purpose of the assessment is to validate that a candidate can meet Army
stardards and that they possess the attributes to be a good advisor. [2]
Physical Fitness. Brigade
members are expected to be in top physical condition and must score 80
percent on the Army's physical fitness test.
Incentives for Personnel. The
U.S. Army is trying hard to fill the ranks of the SFABs. A number of
incentive programs have been established to attain this end. [4]
Special Promotion Category - SGT.
The Army has created a SGT Special Promotion Category. Corporals (CPL)
and Specialists (SPC) who have been boarded and are fully eligible for
promotion will be awarded 799 points and promoted to the rank of SGT on
the first day of the month following graduation of the Security Force
Assistance Advisor Course (SFACC). [3]
AIP. Selected Soldiers will be
eligible to receive an Assignment Incentive Pay (AIP) as long as the
Soldier servies in the unit for at least 12 months.
Suspended PME Requirement. The
rules for professional military education are suspended in certain cases
in ranks of SGT through MSG.
Assignment of Choice. Following
a tour with the 1st SFAB the Soldier can pick an assignment of choice
for his next duty station or unit.
Framework of BCT. Each of the
SFABs will also serve the function of becoming a fully-manned brigade
combat team if needed to meet future requirements - such as a
large-scale conflict. The 500+ man SFAB can form the nucleus of the
command and staff of a BCT that is filled with lower ranking personnel.
Radios. Thales is
providing the SFABs with the AN/PRC-148C Improved Multiband Inter-Intra
Team Radio (IMBITR). Harris
Communications Systems will be providing Falcon III AN/PRC-152A,
AN/PRC-117G, and AN/PRC-160 radios to the newly formed SFABs. [5] In
addition, the 1st SFAB will be outfitted with the Secure Internet
Protocol Router Network / Non-secure Internet Protocol Router Access
Point (SNAP) and the Global Rapid Response Information Package (GRRIP).
[9] In addition, the SFAB was issued the new H250 handmics.
NETT Warrior. SFAB Soldiers are
training up on the use of the NETT Warrior communications and navigation
device that attaches to the the front of their uniform.
Special Equipment
UAS Capability. The 1st SFAB
will likely have an Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) element when it
deploys. The unit is conducting its own internal Master UAS training
course for the RQ-11B Raven and Puma. [6]
M17 Modular Handgun System. The
Army's new pistol has been issued to the SFAB. Most of the SFAB Soldiers
were introduced to the pistol during training at JRTC in February 2018.
Shortened Train-up. Originally the 1st SFAB was
supposed to have a 12-month period to be established and conduct it's
training prior to deploying. This was reduced to an 8-month period. In
addition, the planned six-week advisor academy (MATA) was reduced to a
two-week period of instruction.
Advisor Academy. Soldiers of the
1st SFAB designated to be advisors were supposed to attend the Army's
newly established
Military Advisor Training Academy (MATA). The academy was to be six
weeks long; however, 1st SFAB Soldiers attended an abbreviated course
that was only two weeks long.
JRTC Pre-Deployment Training. The 1st
SFAB conducted pre-deployment training at the Joint Readiness
Training Center (JRTC) in January 2018. The training rotation was
specifically tailored to meet the training demands for 1st SFAB and
their deployment to Afghanistan through various training, advising,
assisting, accompanying, and enabling scenarios. The training involved
role players who simulated the commander and staff of an Afghan kandak
(battalion). [8]

B Co, 3rd Bn, 1st SFAB training at JRTC (Jan 2018)
Afghanistan Deployment. The 1st SFAB
began deploying to Afghanistan in February 2018. This is an accelerated
deployment when taking into consideration the unit just formed up in
mid-2017. Originally the first SFAB was to complete a year of training
and then be ready for deployment by the first quarter of fiscal year
2019. [7]
Deployment Locations. The
brigade will deploy about 36 CATS across Afghanistan. They will probably
cover down on the 205th ANA Corps with Train, Advise, and Assist Command
- South and the 203rd ANA Corps with Task Force Southeast.
Videos about the SFABs
November 13, 2018. "Shoulder to Shoulder",
U.S. Army. 5 minutes. Soldiers of the 1st Security Force Assistance
Brigade work together with their Afghan National Army partners to
accomplish the Army's re-energized train, assist and advise mission.
June 12, 2018. Assistance Brigade Commander
Provides Resolute Support Update, DoD. Army Colonel Scott Jackson
briefs Pentagon reporters on Operation Resolute Support and the 1st
October 23, 2017. Check Out the SFAB - LTG
Townsend, DVIDS. The XVIII Airborne Corps Commander, Lt.
Gen. Stephen Townsend talks Security Force Assistance Brigade and why
Soldiers should volunteer to join.
May 4, 2017. Security Force Assistance
Brigade, Army Human Resources Command (HRC).
March 6, 2018. 1st Security Force Assistance
Brigade, U.S. Army. Several key leaders talk about the 1st SFAB,
training, and mission.
News Stories and Articles about 1st SFAB
[1] See
"FISTers in Army's 1st SFAB encourage 13Fs to volunteer", DVIDS.
[2] Information on the assessment process from "1st
SFAB Assesses Candidates", by SGT Arjenis Nuez, Army.mil,
November 3, 2017 and
"The Army's New Advisory Units Don't Need the Best Officers, They Need
the Right Ones", by Rick Montcalm, Modern War Institute,
December 7, 2017.
[3] Info from Volunteer for SFAB Assignment,
Army Reenlistment.com. (accessed November 1, 2017).
[4] See
"Hot Topics: Enlisted Personnel Management Directorate", HRC.Army.mil.
Posted October 25, 2017. Accessed November 1, 2017.
[5] Tomkins, Richard,
"Harris contracted by Army for radios for security force assistance
brigades", UPI.com.
[6] For more on UAS systems for the SFABs see
Eyes in the Sky with 1st SFAB, by Sgt. Arjenis Nunez, 50th Public
Affairs Detachment, DVIDS, November 8, 2017.
[7] Ray, Lisa,
"A Chance to Write History: SFAB provides a groundbreaking opportunity
for proven leaders", Army.mil, June 9, 2017.
[8] Read more about training advisors to work at
kandak level in
"1st SFAB Trains to Advise During High-Value Target Training at JRTC",
DVIDS, January 14, 2018.
[9] For more info on the training for the 1st
SFAB read
"Training Quick and Staffing Unfinished, Army Units Brace for Surging
Taliban", by Thomas Gibbons-Neff, The New York Times,
January 26, 2018.
[10] For info on SNAP and GRRIP see
"A special Afghan unit could be the Army's test case for its future
network", C4ISRNET.com.
[11] See
"1st SFAB hosts activation ceremony; Heraldry announced",
Army.mil, February 8, 2018. The new brown beret, advisor tab, and
unit patch are announced.