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Task Force South West

Marine Advisor with Task Force Southwest - Afghanistan
A U.S. Marine advisor with Task Force Southwest (TFSW) battle tracks with a soldier
from the 215th Corps at Camp Shorabak, Helmand province.
(photo Jan 22, 2018 by SGT Conner Robbins, USMC)

On April 29, 2017 Task Force South West assumed responsiblility for the 'Train, Advise, and Assist' mission in Helmand province from Task Force Forge. The TAA mission is to be conducted primarily with the 209th ANA Corps and 505th Police Zone. Some lower echelon units (PHQ, brigades, kandaks, etc.) may see TAA personnel on a temporarily basis.

Base. The personnel of Task Force South West will operate from Camp Shorab, Helmand province. The initial strength of the task force in spring 2017 was 300 Marines and Sailors. The task force is 'enabled' with other support elements (medical, logistical, intelligence, contractors, etc.).

Command. The first commander of Task Force South West is BG Roger Turner.

News Reports about Task Force South West

January 16, 2018. "Marines push closer to the fight in Helmand", by Shawn Snow, Marine Corps Times. Marines of Task Force Southwest will be working the train, advise, and assist mission at kandak (battalion) level.

April 30, 2017. "Task Force Southwest assumes Helmand advisory mission", Resolute Support.

January 9, 2017. "Task Force South West - Marines Return to Helmand Province",







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