Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) |
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The TTP is an alliance of Pakistani insurgent groups that attack the Pakistani government and its army. It was formed up in late 2007. Other names attributed to the TTP is "Pakistani Taliban" or "Bad Taliban". The group, during various timeframes, has been united or disjointed - with some splintering taking place occasionally. Its base is in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas and Khyber Paktunkhwa Province of Pakistan. "Bad Taliban". This name is provided from the perspective of Pakistan. Pakistan supports the "Good Taliban"; groups like the Haqqani Network that are provided support and sanctuary in Pakistan and attack the Afghan state and its security forces. The "Bad Taliban" are those groups that attack the Pakistani state and its security forces. Over the past several years the TTP has suffered some setbacks. Indescrimate attacks against civilian targets have prompted fierce counterattacks by the Pakistan security forces and has cost it much popular support. Internal infighting led many TTP members to join up with the Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISKP).
Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan by Wikipedia TTP - by National Counterterrorism Center TTP - South Asia Terrorism Portal TTP / TTIP - Terrorism Research & Analysis
Consortium (TRAC)
Sayed, Abdul and Tore Hamming. "The Rival of the Pakistani Taliban", CTC Sentinel, Combating Terrorism Center at West Point, April / May 2021. Abbas, Hassan. "A Profile of Tehrik-i-Taliban
Pakistan", CTC Sentinel, volume 1, issue 2, pages 1-4, January
2008. Posted on the Belfer Center website, Harvard University. TTP - SITE Monitoring Service Jihadist Threat
December 25, 2014. "Why Does TTP Target Pakistani State? - Analysis", Eurasia Review. Commentator John Wilson provides us with an assessment of the nature and character of the TTP. June 9, 2014. "Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan asserts itself after split by attacking Karachi airport". The Guardian.
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