SFA Tasks - OTERA |
General Information
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The Security Force Assistance Tasks are known by the acronym of OTERA. Organize, Train, Equip, Rebuild (build), and Advise (and assist). Organize. All activities taken to create, improve, and integrate doctrinal principles, organizational structures, capability contructs, and personnel management. Train. All activities taken to create, improve, and integrate training, leader development, and education at the individual, collective, and staff levels. Equip. All activities to design, improve, and integrate material and equipment procurement, fielding, accountability, and maintenance through life-cycle management. Rebuild/Build. All activities taken to create, improve, and integrate facilities to support the Afghan National Security Forces. Advise and Assist. Advise includes all activities to provide subject matter expertise and counsel to the ANSF while carrying out the missions assigned to the unit or organization. Assist consists of providing the required supporting or sustaining capabilities so the ANSF can meet its objectives.
The OTERA tasks are presented in detail in two separate documents. a. See Joint Doctrine Note 1-13, Security Force Assistance, April 29, 2013 (link opens an Adobe Acrobat PDF file). The SFA OTERA tasks are presented in Chapter III (page III-9 to III-10). b. See ISAF SFA Guide 2.0, January 2014 (link opens an Adobe Acrobat PDF file). The SFA OTERA tasks (with an Afghan focus) are presented in pages 4-5.
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