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Private Sector Evac Help

There were a number of private organizatons that assisted Americans, Legal Permanent Residents, and at-risk Afghans in gaining access to Kabul airport. After August 30 and the departure of U.S. military forces in the early morning hours of August 31st the airport was no longer an option. However, private organizations are continuing to seek ways to assist AMCITs, LPRs, and Afghan SIVs in departing Afghanistan.

Green Beret Foundation - No One Left Behind

Private Sector Initiatives. What is also very obvious are the many private sector intiatives both formal and informal to assist Afghans in their quest to leave the country. Social media was flooded with requests for help as well as people, businesses, and organizatons in the private sector who are providing assistance.

The Good. Many organizations such as No One Left Behind and Team America are doing stellar work and setting an example for the Department of State to follow. Although, to be fair, DoS will likely not meet the high bar set by some of the organizations in the private sector.

The Bad. There are a lot of websites popping up proclaiming an organization's ability to move people out of Afghanistan through a variety of means. This is a difficult task to accomplish. The truth is many of these efforts are either amaturish or money-making scams. Or both. Some organizations disrupted the efforts of the Department of State, U.S. military, and other private sector organizaions. Some were scams to take the money of American wishing to assist the Afghans.

Informal Networks. There were a number of informal networks of people from government, military, business, and other organizations that formed up to assist the Afghans. These current and former intelligence analyts, journalists, service members, aid workers, diplomats, contractors, and others took vacation days, personal time off, or worked after hours to assist in the overall effort.

SOF Network. Many of the firms that have provided services to the DoD and other organizations over the past few decades were established by former members of the special operations community. These organizations have reached out to the SOF community for financial support and are actively and successfully evacuated Afghans that are at risk - those who have worked with the SOF community during the 20-year long conflict. Other organizations not associated with SOF-run business entities have formed up as well. They are also assisting in the evacuation, relocation, and support of Afghans who are at risk.

Chartered Aircraft. Several organizations, corporations, and others have chartered planes to fly to Kabul to assist in the evacuation of selected individuals (past acquaintances, employees, etc.) or people in general. However there are reports that the U.S. military is not allowing chartered aircraft to land. This could be because of the security situation or because the U.S. military aircraft are departing Kabul half empty. There may be attempts by these private endeavors to land in other areas of Afghanistan.

The following organizations were
involved in evacuation efforts

Afghan Evacuation Coordination Team. The  AECT is an organization of ex-officials, aid workers, and volunteers working to evacuate US and at-risk Afghans through non-governmental chartered flights.

Allied Airlift 21

Ark Salus
This organization (SOF centric) is working efforts related to immediate rescue action as well as long term advocacy for their Afghan brethen - especially those in the Afghan SOF units.

Association of Wartime Allies (AWA)
This is an alliance of individual veterans, civilians, and organizations to support the US military / government during armed conflicts.

Commericial Task Force (COMTF)

Digital Dunkirk - Afghan Evac

Evacuate Our Allies Coalition
This organization is a coalition of trusted human rights, religiouis, and refugee organizations working alongside veterans and frontline civilians to evacuate at-risk Afghan allies to safety. The group was formed in April 2021.

Freedom Support Alliance

Human Rights First - Official Afghan Evacuation Data Collection Form

International Refugee Assistance Project

International Women's Media Foundation

No One Left Behind (NOLB)
NOLB is a non-profit organization that, since it was established in 2014, is the only group focused solely on reforming the Special Immigrant Visa program and providing critical financial and other resettlement support for Afghan and Iraqi interpreters.

Project Dynamo

Raven Advisory, LLC.
One emergency Afghan rescue mission is a collaborative effort between U.S. veterans, philanthropists, Veteran advocates, and the private sector, designed to rescue Afghan llies at imminent risk of being killed by the Taliban. The operation begins with extraction and ends with resettlement. Learn more about Operation Flyaway.

Society 76. An all volunteer organization working to connect any of those affected by current Afghanistan events to the right resources. "Get Help", "Give Help", "Resources". - General Email - Evacuation Request Line

Tashakor - Helping Afghan Allies

Team America
This organization will provide information for Afghans and those attempting to help them in a unique fashion. If you send an email to you will receive an auto reply with links providing information for different categories of Afghans as well as links to the required forms to fill out. See "Team America has success evacuating Afghans, seeks help as requests grow", by James R. Webb, Military Times, August 18, 2021.

Truman Center Afghanistan Operations Center

Visas for Afghans. An unofficial site has been established to help Afghans (and those supporting them) to find what visa they might be able to get.



Books about the Kabul non-combatant evacuation operation (NEO) of August 2021,
evacuation of AMCITs, LPRs, SIVs, and others, and the Afghan Evac community and effort.

Kabul NEO Afghanistan

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